Why do I do what I do?

Because I remember what it was like to dance as a child. To dance on stage was the highlight of my life. Dance was my everything. It gave me a purpose, and in turn it now allows me to work as a dance educator, which (to me) is both an honour and a privilege. To help guide young children along the path of life, through a dancing journey, is what I am most passionate about.
It’s hard to explain what dance gives you, if you have never danced. The freedom experienced through movement, to music, the allowance, and the surrender, the beauty and the inner sense of joy, may summarise the experience… but it’s simply the feeling that movement evokes that keeps one coming back for more. It may be the simple pleasure of moving the body, or the ability to express emotion, and move through emotions that otherwise may not have been felt.
To give a child the gift of movement, and the thrill of performing is a true blessing that I embrace whole-heartedly, and in a way it’s still my everything.
I love the thrill of theatre, only now I am behind the stage. It gives me the same joy, however it’s expressed through the children dancing on stage. I can pass on to them my love of dance, and then I experience their love of dance, and the excitement they bring through their own experience.
There is so much more to me than dance, and being a dance teacher. And there is so much more to your child than a student in a dance class. However, there is a special place in my heart that will always be reserved for the crazy, amazing, beautiful, expressive art form that is dance, and the dance students who pass through the studio doors at Dance Creations.